Application Firefighter

The Harris- Elmore Fire Department/Fire Division announces job openings for the position of: Volunteer Firefighters.


Harris Township is an equal opportunity employer and selects the best matched individual for any job based upon job related qualifications, regardless of race, color, creed, sex, national origin, age, handicap or other protected groups under state, federal or local Equal Opportunity Laws.


  • Completion of high school or possession of a high school equivalency diploma, AND
  • 36-hour state of Ohio firefighting card*, AND
  • Current certification in American Heart Association CPR*, AND
  • Possess and maintain a valid motor vehicle operator’s license and an acceptable driving record as deemed by our townships insurance carrier
  • *required certifications must be obtained within one year of application

Minimum Qualifications


  • Completion of high school or possession of a high school equivalency diploma, AND
  • 36-hour state of Ohio firefighting card*, AND
  • Current certification in American Heart Association CPR*, AND
  • Possess and maintain a valid motor vehicle operator’s license and an acceptable driving record as deemed by our townships insurance carrier
  • *required certifications must be obtained within one year of application


Work duties include but are not limited to: 

  1. Protect the life and safety of our citizens
  2. Perform fire suppression in a safe but aggressive manner
  3. Educate the public on hazards and fire safety
  4. Community outreach
  5. Participate in fundraisers and community events
  6. Attend trainings and maintain certifications
  7. Clean and maintain fire apparatus and station
  8. Follow the chain of command system
  9. Assist EMS with patient care and manpower when needed
  10. Be willing to LEARN


  • A state of Ohio Fire I or Fire II card preferred
  • EMS certification
  • Hazardous materials awareness
  • NIMS200, 800

If you require more information contact Fire Chief Jim Wilburn at 419-466-4412.

Online Application



Harris Township is an equal opportunity employer and will not exclude any applicant from employment consideration on a basis prohibited by local, state, or federal law.

Personal Information
Address Line 1  *
Address Line 2
City  *
State or Region  *
Country  *
ZIP  *
High School
Address Line 1
Address Line 2
State or Region
REFRENCES (excluding relatives and employers)
Address Line 1
Address Line 2
State or Region
Address Line 1
Address Line 2
State or Region


Firefighting is a physically demanding job requiring mobility and endurance. Firefighter’s protective clothing and equipment are heavy and restrictive and must be worn during extreme hot and cold temperatures

Firefighters are expected to climb to high areas while fighting fires or assisting with rescues

Fire and rescue personnel frequently are involved at vehicle accidents and other rescues which may involve the extrication of badly injured victims from very difficult situations.

Firefighter candidates in Ohio are required to attend a 36-hour training course and pass a test to become certified as a volunteer firefighter. Emergency Medical Technician (E.M.T) candidates in Ohio are required to attend at least 135 hours of training and pass an examination before becoming an EMT-basic. Candidates for membership are required to complete certification classes within one (1) year of being approved for membership by the township trustees.

Volunteer Firefighters and E.M.T.’s are required to obtain yearly training, usually performed “in-house” during regularly scheduled drills/meetings. Additional continuing education is also highly encouraged. Other training opportunities consist of mutual aid drills which are occasionally scheduled on “off” nights or weekends with neighboring departments

Although this is a volunteer organization, a commitment of time, dedication, and responsibility to the duties of the fire service and this organization must be maintained by each firefighter and EMT. It is essential that department members cooperate with mutual respect for each other and the public we serve.

Have you ever been a member of a fire department, emergency medical service, or in a related field prior to submitting this application for membership?

I accept

Harris-Elmore Fire Department (HEFD) is a fully volunteer Fire department and an EMS division staffed with full and part-time personnel and volunteers. HEFD is responsible for the Fire/EMS protection of Harris Township, the village of Elmore, Benton Township, and covers a portion of the Ohio Turnpike. The department also has multiple mutual aid agreements with fire departments around the area. HEFD operates out of one station containing (4) fire apparatus, (2) ambulances, (2) support vehicles, (1) HEXR unit, and (1) rescue boat.


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