Application EMS

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Harris-Elmore EMS began providing Emergency Medical Services (EMS) in 1975 to residents and visitors of Harris Township and the Village of Elmore.

Harris- Elmore Fire Department, EMS division, announces job openings for the position of: Part-Time EMT, Advanced EMT, & Paramedic!

 In 2010 the Harris-Elmore EMS was officially merged by township officials with the Harris-Elmore Fire Department (HEFD). HEFD provides both Basic Life Support (BLS) and Advanced Life Support (ALS) EMS services to the Village of Elmore, Harris Township, and contracted areas in Benton Township. HEFD utilizes the latest medical equipment and is a member of the Northwest Ohio EMS Consortium.

Our staff consists of all levels of EMS certifications. HEFD is an EMS Continuing Education site accredited by the State of Ohio Division of EMS. This certification allows us to provided EMS continuing education in-house from one of our many EMS certified instructors to our members monthly.

Harris Township is an equal opportunity employer and selects the best matched individual for any job based upon job related qualifications, regardless of race, color, creed, sex, national origin, age, handicap or other protected groups under state, federal or local Equal Opportunity Laws.

Work duties include but are not limited to: 

  • Providing emergency medical assistance at the basic or advanced life support level in conjunction with our department’s written medical protocols as prepared by the department’s medical director or as ordered by online medical direction as allowed by their individual scope of practice.
  • Employees shall be able to clearly communicate with fellow responders, hospital personnel, or supervisory staff as to the needs of the patient or the needs of the employee.
  • Employees shall test and maintain basic and advanced life support equipment and instruments for proper operation; inventories and restocks drugs and medical supplies; maintains inventory of medical supplies and medications; inspects and cleans ambulances; maintains station, and other duties as assigned.


  • Completion of high school or possession of a high school equivalency diploma AND
  • One (1) year experience at your current certification AND
  • Current certification in CPR, ACLS(Paramedic), PALS(Paramedic) AND
  • Possess and maintain a valid motor vehicle operator’s license and an acceptable driving record as deemed by our townships insurance carrier.


  • Part-time employees are required to be physically able to carry equipment, assist in lifting patients, assist in extricating patients from various situations, and sometimes endure physically challenging situations. Meeting the physical challenges is important to the safety of yourself, your fellow EMT’s and the patients we serve.
  • Part-time employees shall be required to provide and wear their own approved black safety toe boots while on duty. The Harris-Elmore Fire Department/ EMS Division shall issue two (2) uniform shirts upon hire (employees choice of long sleeve or short sleeve), one (1) pair of navy blue EMS style pants, and two (2) navy blue T-Shirts which will be required to be worn by the employee only while on duty for the Harris-Elmore Fire Department/ EMS Division. Additional safety and outerwear will be provided for use only while on duty and may need to be shared among other employees.
  • All part-time employees shall be required to adhere to the Harris-Elmore Fire Department/ EMS Division Medical Protocols, Standard Operating Guidelines, Employee Handbook, Salary Policy, and any other rules and regulations set forth by the Harris-Elmore Fire Department/ EMS Division, Harris Township Trustees, and or the State of Ohio. Part-time employees shall adhere to the Harris- Elmore command structure and be able to operate in a cooperative team like manner with all personnel.
  • Part-time employees shall be required to complete and properly document the completion of daily job duties as assigned when not on emergency calls. Failure to complete daily and assigned job duties and proper documentation shall be grounds for termination. Failure to abide by Medical Protocols, Standard Operating Guidelines, Employee Handbook, or the department command structure will be grounds for employment termination. Disrespectful, abusive, or negligent conduct towards the public, the volunteers, or the command staff shall be grounds for employment termination. Part-time employees must be motivated to complete their assigned tasks on their own without constant and direct supervision.
  • Part- time employees will occasionally be responsible for attending mandatory trainings and updates. These trainings will be posted with as much advanced notice as possible to give all employees a chance to work out any schedule conflicts that would arise from such training. If schedule conflicts are unable to be worked out the employee must make contact with the officer scheduling the training so other arrangements can be made. Failure to regularly attend mandatory trainings or make other arraignments for being unable to attend could result in termination of employment. Part-time employees are welcome to attend and participate in the EMS Division drills and trainings on the second (2nd) and fourth (4th) Mondays of each month.
  • Part-time employees will be required to regularly submit at a minimum of four days of availability each month to be considered an active part-time employee. This does not guarantee the employee the days and hours that where submitted, but shows that they are available and willing to work. Availability must be submitted by the deadline each month to the designated EMS officer overseeing the part-time EMS employees. Failure to regularly submit your availability or minimum availability will be grounds for termination.


The Harris- Elmore Fire Department/ EMS Division
Application for Part- Time Employment

All fields must be completed accurately in order to be considered for employment. You may also upload a cover letter and resume (optional), however the application must still be completed.

Position Applying.
Personal Information
Address Line 1  *
Address Line 2
City  *
State or Region  *
Country  *
ZIP  *
Driving History
Current Ohio EMS Education and Training

Check All Additional Credentials Held. You must currently hold an EMT, EMT-Advanced, or Paramedic, and CPR credentials in order to be considered. Provide copies of your certificates (front of the certificate).

CPR Certificate
Firefighter Certificate
ACLS Certificate
National Registry Certificate
PALS Certificate
HazMat Certificate
Emergency Vehicle Operations Certificate
NIMS Certification
Formal Education

EXPERIENCE: Please provide a complete record of your employment, beginning with your present or most recent employer. Account for all periods in the last seven years, including self-employment and unemployment.

Address Line 1
Address Line 2
State or Region
Previous Employment
Address Line 1
Address Line 2
State or Region
Previous 2 Employment
Address Line 1
Address Line 2
State or Region


Reference 1
Address Line 1
Address Line 2
State or Region
Reference 2
Address Line 1
Address Line 2
State or Region
Reference 3
Address Line 1
Address Line 2
State or Region


I accept

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